Minggu, 06 Maret 2011


DESTINY or in Islam called KODHAR means: Being the mighty Power Authority (GOD) in determining what was thought - think or recorded by the mighty power will occur, form, made as for kodhar or Fate itself has been recorded in kalamnya GOD (God all-powerful) before human beings, or objects that are created. As a faithful servant in demand would have to believe (faith) adapat though sometimes not accepted by the logic of human reason. Fate or khodar

Kodhar or destiny divided into 3 (three)
1. kodhar Bad or Ugly destiny: including the nature of human character in touch with GOD and humans and also in a variety of life among other calamities, sickness, accident and others - others who according to human logic to make herself feel difficult, terrible, tortured, who later made the Expert category (residents) to hell.
2. Kodar destiny good or better: including the nature of human character in touch with GOD and humans and also in the variety of life such as getting good - the good form of health, fortune, luck, all forms which according to human logic made him happy, excited and happy that would make the category Expert (residents) Heaven.
3. Kodhar One: includes the nature of human character in touch with GOD and humans and also in the variety of life such as sin (violation would rule against GOD as well as human error) either small or big sins that would make human categories that will be in Hell in order to enter washing process (cleaning) sins.
Although Kodar has been determined by the all-powerful but man no one can know the secrets of the Lord GOD Almighty humans should not be pessimistic or discouraged because GOD is most gracious and merciful, we must always do good prosecuted and tried for the better and do not forget pray for a good person dab lucky because in Islam also teaches Only PRAYER THAT GOD CAN CHANGE THE KODARNYA it is always praying and do not lose grindstones. Share a little charity for your very meaningful to fellow Through Yayasan Budi Dharma Insani Bank of the Republic of Indonesia (BRI) on behalf of Syaifuddin Account No. : 0803-01-027103-53-0 thanks hopefully your participation, you become a fulfilled person and good luck Amin

More About : Destiny 

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